Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Greatest Water Filter Ever!

The greatest water filter ever! The LIFESAVER, said to filter water down to 15 nanometers, the smallest known virus is 25 nanometers, that’s an insane comparison. There’s not a single water filter in the world that can do that without the aid of UV light or chemicals. The  bottle has many benefits, some of which consist of being self contained and easy to use; no extra hoses or extra pieces simply fill it with water, put the cap on and pump three times and you’ve got yourself water filtered down to 15 nanometers. Atop of that, its replaceable filtration cartridge comes with a failsafe; when it loses its ability to filter it no longer pumps water through it, so there’s no second guessing when you need a replacement. Yet something so amazing must comes with its flaws, and of course like everything else, it does; in order to keep the bottle so lightweight it needed give something up the decision was clear, its ruggedness; which means it’s not going to be nearly as sturdy as your average water bottle, so dropping it onto a rock could easily break it. Some claim that the seal leaks, while it’s true that the seal may not be top of the line, if you’re careful to keep it clean and keep the bottle snugly attached to the pump you should be fine.


Now the question remains “Why does this event matter to your community?” well with the massive expansion in the need for energy, water seems to be a huge contributor and with the sheer amount we as humans are using, fresh water is becoming less and less abundant. Which may mean we might need to look into other ways to get water, and having the ability to drink even murky unclean water could be a major contributor. Along with the fact that third world countries which barely have access to fresh water in the first place, having the ability to use the unclean muddy water for drinking could very well end the lack of clean water in third world countries.


Week 3 Blog post

I’ve recently gained a new book “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley for Christmas, I am really excited to read it. I’ve also recently finished rereading Enders Game. It didn’t have as much thrill as it did last time, I’m sure that’s just because I already knew what was going to happen. But I’m excited to read this book, I know nothing of the story other than the name.

Letter to an Author

Orson Scott Card, writer of the Enders Game series. I have been introduced to you by my father, and as a person who reads very little you’ve opened my eyes to the wide range of enjoyment, excitement, imagination, and reading. Thanks to your book Enders Game I’ve found many more books that I’ve read, though I’m still resistant to reading, due to the fact that I find it hard to enjoy because I could be doing something else. But your book I sat down and read for hours on end, I was severely depressed when I read the final page of the book, then closing it shut. But my excitement was boundless when I learned that you’ve made more than one book in the series, I’ve only recently begun your book Speaker of the Dead, but my curiosity has been poked at, and I am very excited to learn what you have in store for me this time, I can’t wait to finish Speaker of the Dead so I can continue in the series.

The Second coming

Don’t worry! its only 2014, the robots have yet to attack. Unless you’re reading in 2019 in which case, good luck. ANYWAYS. Lets talk about MY reading goal, you know the thingy that requires me to read a book or else I’ll fail my English class, and loose my computer; which I might add is torture for me. Anyways, I’ll be going for the B Level! Why? Because I’m insane. but that’s regardless. ANYWAYS! In order for ME to get a B, I need to maintain 9 pages a day, 61 pages a week, and 242 pages in total. And I’ve chosen the second book in the Enders Game Series, Speaker for The dead. From what I’ve been told its the story of what happens after the events of the Enders Game, Ender is seeking to revive the race he unknowingly did something.. bad to. Oh. did you want to know what it was? WELL NO! BAD FOLLOWER! … I’m sorry, I get mad at stupid stuff. Dependent on if I finish the book before the time ends I’ll move on to the next book in the series, and so on and so forth blah blah blah *place good writers blogging skills here*